Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Hey all,
Shavuos here was great, as long as we were in air-conditioned rooms! Yehuda went to his first minyan, heard the Aseres Hadibros, and heard Birkas Cohanim under his Tatty's talis! A lot of firsts! (And probably ate his first cheesecake - going by the amount he eats and poops, I think he loves cheesecake!) I'll try to post some pics after I've taken some new ones...


yisandnechama said...

Thanks for the cheesecake updae! Here in Mtl, it was awesome, and yup, thank G. for AC!!! All the best, Nechama

dinagoldenberg said...

Thanx for posting!!
lol about the cheesecake.
That's what's so exciting about being so young. There are bound to be at least some firsts every day!