Saturday, July 26, 2008

Rivka has a new camera, thanks to Bubby Goldenberg, and she's trigger happy. She also has her father's talent. Above is one example of the pictures she likes to take. If you want to compliment her she'd love to hear from you. Just email her:

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Hey all,
Shavuos here was great, as long as we were in air-conditioned rooms! Yehuda went to his first minyan, heard the Aseres Hadibros, and heard Birkas Cohanim under his Tatty's talis! A lot of firsts! (And probably ate his first cheesecake - going by the amount he eats and poops, I think he loves cheesecake!) I'll try to post some pics after I've taken some new ones...

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Finally figured out how to post! Thanks Dina!

Trying on all of Yis's lanyards before bath time! I really found her like this!!
Yehuda's been practicing his standing all day!!
Bonding with the Dad. Actually, our son is a Pot de Colle, he goes wherever we are!!!
My little princess!
Check out the original "Sucy's" Leah found to use, and obviously, Yehuda needs one too!!

Monday, May 19, 2008

New pics?

Can someone post pics of the new baby? (I'd say I'm not good at it but I really have no patience to do it.)

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Monday, April 28, 2008

After Pesach news

Hi everyone!

I hope you all had a good Pesach. Here in Lawrenceville was fantastic! (If anyone has anything to say do so now and forever hold your peace.) It was very enjoyable with all our guests, sleeping and eating guests, the food was pretty good and the company superb!
I had lots of help - 3 dishwashers, the bosch, Pinchas and Shterna - and that always helps. Of course working in a brand new kitchen always makes it more fun.
Yitzchak keeps having things to say so I can't add much now but I want to hear from you.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

my little i didnt melt the popsicle on my hat...

my daughter in the nephew in yellow

what i like to do in my spare time

Saturday, April 12, 2008


Hi Goldenberg clan!

I was having so much fun blogging with my classmates that I thought, hey! why not try it with the Goldenbergs? So I've created a blogspot for all yous out there. Enjoy!
But you must post and comment often enough to make it worth our time to check it. In the meanwhile, I'll try to figure out how to send you all "permission" to post.
Gut Voch and have fun!! :)